Review Collection

We help companies automate their review collection to build social credibility, grow revenue, create opportunities, and increase efficiency within their business.

What we’re good at?

We believe in your success and that automating your review automation process can help you achieve better results for your business, regardless of your field or target market.

Review Automation Consulting

Sometimes you need someone to explain. Our experts help you make sense of how it all works.

Cost-and Time-Effective

It's neither cost- nor time-effective to only have a few reviews and bad search engine visibility.

Become #1 in your Industry

More reviews mean better chances of converting prospects to happy customers.

All Sizes Work

Every business deserves to grow. We can set up the campaign as big or as small as needed.

Our approach


Identify Goals

We help you set the target market you need to reach.


Back- and Front-End Preparation

We'll prepare all the required back- and front-end developments.


AI Outreach Automation

We set up multiple AIs to dive deep into the web, collect emails, and start high-volume outreach.


Scheduling and Qualifying Leads

Incoming leads are able to pre-qualify and schedule themselves a full-value appointment automatically.

How will you benefit?

Automating the usually overlooked task of review collection saves you time, money, and energy in the long run, and can help you dominate your market.

More clients
Increased efficiency
Process automation
AI-powered technology
Reduced costs
More business